Friday, May 15, 2009
Birthday Snow
From my pillow that was as warm as a heater in the winter.
The room seemed unusually bright.
I jump out of my bed,
Appearing by my window within a second
With a smile.
I gaze at the blanket sparkling like starts at night
Hiding everything underneath.
I think for a second.
It's a special day
My birthday.
A tree bent it's arms to the ground
Eagerly wanting to reach the blanket.
It crashed to the ground.
The sun beams as happily as a kid eating ice cream,
Shining on the blanket
Emphasizing the diamonds that shattered into powder.
I step away from the picture
And fall back asleep with a smile.
We were 18, it was prom night.
We had our first big fight.
She said "Pull this car over".
I did and then I told her, "I don't know what you are crying for".
I grabbed her hand, as she reached for the door.
She said, I'll walk.
Let go of my hand.
Right now I'm hurt, and you don't understand.
So just be quiet.
And later we will talk.
Just leave, don't worry.
I'll walk.
It was a dark night, a black dress.
Driver never saw her, around the bend.
I never will forget the call, or driving to the hospital
when they said her legs still wouldn't move.
I cried, when I walked into her room.
She said, I'll walk.
Please come and hold my hand.
Right now I'm hurt, and I don't understand.
Lets just be quiet, and later we can talk.
Please stay, don't worry.
I'll walk.
I held her hand through everything.
The weeks and months of therapy.
And I held her hand and asked her, to be my bride.
She's dreamed from a little girl, to have her daddy bring her down the isle.
So from her wheelchair, she looks up to him and smiles.
And says, I'll walk.
Please hold my hand.
I know that this will hurt, I know you understand.
Please daddy don't cry.
This is already hard.
Let's go, don't worry.
I'll walk.
Covington, Bucky. "I'll Walk" Bucky Covington. 17 April 2007. 15 May 2009.
Please Do Not Go
It was a beautiful day.
With nothing to say,
My friend had gone to a camp.
She had no clue that this was her last day here.
She got on a boat without any fear.
Please do not go.
I wish you could stay.
No longer are you here, you're far away,
Far above the stars.
Forever you will glow
In our memories
Like snow.
Slipping off the boat she was on,
Fatally wounded, she was unable
To get help in time by the people around and lost her life.
Using her last breath for the last time,
She cried out "Mama!" and closed her eyes.
Again standing by her side now
Seeing her for the last time
A she becomes blurry one more time from my tears.
There's only one hope that remains in me, it's that I'll see her in heaven.
But until that day, for now it's a final goodbye.
***This is a song about my friend that died in a boat accident
Friday, April 24, 2009
Car Cheetah
Screech! The car squealed as we disappeared into the horizon
From where an orange beam
Slid out like shy snail.
Chattering could be heard from miles
As the road curved and curved
Around a glittering white gigantic upside-down cone.
It wrapped around like a noodle.
I watched shattered diamonds
Dipped in white powder
Dancing like graceful ballerinas
In the sky.
“Welcome to Idaho” flashed before my eyes
Soon out of sight.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I dragged my feet out of the house.
Outside the sun was shimmering.
Soon a moving truck rolled into our driveway.
I watched it come closer and closer and come to a stop.
Hours were seconds.
The truck swallowed our belongings.
Outside the stars were sparkling
A sad goodbye.
With one last glance,
I shuffled into the empty building.
What once was a cheerful place
of smiles, frowns, and tears,
Now remained neutral.
I slouched on the floor and stared at the bareness
Without noticing Fluffy.
Brushed against my leg,
He climbed into my lap and glued his eyes to mine.
“I have to leave you here, I’m sorry.”
In a sad hug we fell asleep.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
To a Daughter Leaving Home

When I taught you
a bicycle, loping along beside you
as you wobbled away
on two round wheels,
my own mouth rounding
in surprise when you pulled
ahead down the curved
path of the park,
I kept waiting
for that thud
of your crash as I
sprinted to catch up,
while you grew
smaller, more breakable
with distance,
pumping, pumping
for you life, screaming
with laughter,
the hair flapping
behind you like a
handkerchief waving
***This is my favorite poem from the book. :)
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (group version)
Thanksgiving Celebration

Gathering around a flat surface with one or more supports
The juicy and tongue-tickling aroma occupy completely
In a part of building of enclosed walls
And begin to hungrily consume a large-packed bird
Just pulled out of a relatively high temperature surface.
Soon after, they keep their eyes fixed
On a multi-player game played with an inflated oval sphere
Picture Citation
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Riddle Poem
I'm always helping, encouraging, supporting and understanding.
If you ever need anything, you can always reach me with a phone.
Without me, life is hard to live.
"sleeping cats And puppies." Photograph. Cute Puppy & Funny Pictures. 6 March 2009.
Found Poem
Different chance style prettiest clear truth.
Best friends save amazing faith.
Real love guide daily ways long.
Life happier beautiful strong.
Dependable heart seal perfect future best.
Two Tone Poem

Cheerful like the sound of chirping birds in the early summer morning,
And calm like the shore of a tropical island beach.
Another part of me is cherry red
That sweetly accepts roses
On Valentine's Day
From a special loving friend.
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Picture Citation
Acronym Poem
Interested in painting